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10 Tips for Running and Exercising During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Running may be your hobby, or it may not be. If you like running, it is likely to make you addicted. Even if you don't like running, there are more or less running sports every day. The new crown epidemic has temporarily closed all fitness centers, and other sports are difficult to carry out. At the same time, running has become the best choice for fitness. After all, running does not require teammates, venues, gyms or special equipment—only a pair of sports shoes and suitable clothes. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points when you are running.

01 Keep a 4-meter distance from others

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendations, the safe social distance for people is about 2 meters. However, 2 meters is a minimum requirement. A study shows that when you simply say "keep healthy," you are likely to spread germs everywhere. Usually, when you are running, your breathing rate will be faster than when you are standing or sitting, which means more splashes of saliva, therefore a larger area of spread. Therefore, double the distance is vital.

02 Look ahead Running is not a good time for daydreaming. When running, you must pay close attention to the front and make predictions in advance. Just like how a football player running on the field is planned and strategic, you need to avoid getting too close to others when you run. If you are running on a narrow road and other people are coming in the opposite direction, one person must make a turn early enough to prevent germs from colliding with one's face.

03 Clearly signal to each other

When you really need to meet someone head-on, the best way is to use gestures or voices to signal the other person. However, if you wear a mask, the other party may not hear what you are saying, and gestures are especially important. Don't make the other party confused about your gesture. It's better to be simple and clear.

04 Don't wear a mask while running Running requires oxygen. If you are not aware of this, you should not be running. If you want to wear a mask for running, don't choose masks that seriously hinder your breathing function. Remember, when you exercise, your demand for oxygen will increase. If you plan to wear a mask when running, be sure to gradually increase your breathing rate in advance. If you feel like fainting, it means that your mask does not allow enough airflow through your mouth and nose, so this kind of mask is NOT suitable for running.

05 Consider wearing a mask in crowded places The purpose of wearing a mask is to protect others, not yourself. Unless you wear an N95 mask correctly, the mask will not fully protect you from the virus. But the mask can at least prevent your germs from spreading out. Masks must be kept dry. Damp masks are more likely to produce bacteria.

06 Don't run where others have just run The wind outside can help disperse the germs and reduce their concentration. This can reduce the spread of the virus outdoors. However, germs carrying the virus may still hang in the air for a while. Therefore, the exhalation of a runner is like a fart. Often you should run away rather than towards the butt. Therefore you should avoid places where others have just run.

07 Avoid touching public property It’s not a good time to hug and say hello. It’s possible that all items outside may be infected by people carrying the virus. In addition, coughing, sneezing, or even rapid breathing can leave behind the virus. If you have accidentally touched something outside, please be sure to wash your hands carefully because the chance of touching your face during running is very high.

08 Know when and where to run Pay attention to the local warning signs and follow them. For example, the yellow police tape or do not enter any area with a skull warning sign. Especially at this stage, don't go to any unsafe areas for running. Remember to go to places where you can find rescue at any time for exercise.

09 Make your way up

If you don't run often, your body does not have enough tolerance, so don't think about running a full marathon right away. Instead, start slowly, stick to it every day and gradually increase your speed and exercise volume. Listen to how your body feels, and make sure to stretch before and after running.

10 Try different things and have fun At present, the options for sports are very limited, and it is more difficult to exercise different parts of the body with cross-training. Repeating the same action is likely to cause physical injury or overtraining of a certain part. In order to avoid this situation, you can try different running methods, such as raising your knees, running with skipping ropes, and walking while doing other exercises. Now is not the time to emphasize self-awareness. Maybe you are worried about your image while running because you haven't had a haircut for a long time, which is unnecessary. No one is perfect, especially while you are running. You need more time to understand the impact of running on your personal life and how you can adapt and maintain a balance with new habits.


Excerpts from the original text, “10 Tips On How To Run Safely With COVID-19 Coronavirus Spreading“by Bruce Y. Lee from


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