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Hunting in Canada, a Lecture from Wow Nature---Guns

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

In Canada, hunting is a very advanced outdoor activity. Because firearms are involved, people need a series of studies and an application process.

  • How to legally own a gun?

  • Is it difficult to get a gun license?

  • Can I get a gun license without a Canadian identity?

  • Can I hunt with a gun license?

  • Can I use a gun to defend myself in a dangerous situation?

  • Can outlawing all legal guns reduce social shootings?

If you have the same questions as me, you are welcome to participate in the public welfare lecture on gun licenses organized by Wow Nature. Lectures cover the following questions:

  • How to apply for a gun license?

  • What types of gun licenses are there?

  • What is the cost and time required for the gun license test?

  • What is the difference between hunting cards and gun cards?

  • How to update the gun card?

  • Will banning guns affect peoples' social security?

  • Can guns be used for self-defence?

  • Can guns be carried with you?

  • What are the shooting range conventions and precautions?

  • Where to buy guns and ammunition?

Lecturer Profile:

Moses Stone, RCMP certified Chinese pistol instructor, has a variety of qualifications, such as CDP (Canadian Defense Pistol), PPC (Police Pistol Combat), CLAS-H (Club Level Action Shooting-Handgun) etc. Years of teaching experience, he brings out many CDP, PPC, tactical rifle and tactical shotgun qualified students. He has also spent a lot of time participating in shooting sports in the Chinese community, he was also involved in the organization and held many sessions: ”Public Lectures on Canadian Firearms Knowledge and Hunting Culture”.

Lecture fee:

Registration link:

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WOW Nature Outdoor Discovery was established in Beijing, China in 2015, dedicated to advocating a lifestyle that is close to nature and environmentally. In 2016, WOW Nature settled in Canada and registered as a non-profit organization. Through well-designed outdoor exploration activities, Wow Nature leads everyone to walk into nature and deeply experience local culture. Thus, improving the quality of life, enhancing relationships, expanding social groups, and gaining more health and happiness.

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