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Niagara Whirlpool Loop

Speaking of this route... I liked walking around and exploring here when I first arrived at Canada since it was close to Niagra Falls. But I fell in love with it at first sight! It was the golden autumn season. The cliffs and the shimmering river water was beautiful against the gorgeous autumn leaves. However, I always walked to and from the river in the same route.

I've been here in different seasons, but every time, I end up going back the same way. I didn't know there was actually a great loop hike here!

I'm very glad that I didn't know this loop line existed until now, otherwise, I wouldn't be so surprised to find it for the first time in the middle of winter!

The parking lot is at the Niagara Glen Nature Centre on the side of Niagara PKW Road. There is a paid parking lot here, although it is hard to find any space during the peak season!


Since the biggest snowfall in Canada 2 decades ago, the temperature near the Great Falls has remained below minus 5 degrees most of the time. Therefore, whenever there is no dedicated cleaning to the snow, it will remain there! Which makes it the perfect time to hike the Niagara Whirlpool Loop in the Winter season!

Follow the steep metal staircase down the cliff and you will reach the starting point of the hike. We chose to turn right and walk along the yellow line in the picture above, and went all the way along the winding and steep mountain road to the riverside, then continued to walk forward. The entire yellow route goes downhill. The snow on those hiking routes has been stepped on by pedestrians, and it turned out to be a little slippery. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to go with crampons on this route in winter! In addition, trekking poles are also very necessary for extra support.

On both sides of the line are huge boulders, covered with snow, which makes them look like chubby, old, white-haired men.

Although the downhill section is steep, it is fortunately not long, and only takes about 20 minutes to reach the river in winter.

The Niagara River is turbulent, and the river on the bank is floating with icebergs.

The hiking route along the river is relatively flat, but there are occasional ups and downs, and some roads are icy, so you must be careful when hiking. If you accidentally fall into the river, the consequences are unimaginable...

When I was still amazed at the winter scenery of the river valley, I suddenly encountered a boulder blocking the road, and as I walked around it carefully, I couldn't help but shout "Wow Nature!"

People often ask me: Meizi, hiking is just walking around, what is the meaning of doing such an activity? Every time I get asked such a question, I can't help but think back to the little things that happened. Every unique encounter, every heartbeat... How could it be defined by a single word like "meaningful" or "meaningless?"


Continuing on to the highlight of this route: The whirlpool. Where the Niagara River makes a 90-degree turn because of a peculiar cliff, it forms a huge eddy current!

Speaking of which, here is a brave friend, standing on the ice floes. Are you really not worried that the eddy current will take you away?

Ha ha...

When we got to the eddy current, we were approaching the end of the hike. As we continued to move forward, the hiking route became a mountain climbing road. Because the snow-covered road was slippery, all our friends climbed out of breath and said that they had achieved their exercising goal!

Climb to the top and we're back to Niagara PKW Parkway! However, the hike had to continue, and it was about a kilometre away from our parking spot. It is on a flat route, so just relax.

Looking behind we could see the magical sunset. Is this a reward for us?


Key Information About This Route

Hiking route: AA Great Ring Road, about 5.5 kilometers
Difficulty Assessment: Challenging Level
Equipment: crampons and trekking poles are necessary in winter. It is recommended to bring trekking poles in other seasons. Do not come in the rainy season.
Parking: 3050 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON
Paid parking: $2.5/hour
Surrounding scenic spots:
● The famous Niagara Falls 
● Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens
● Whirlpool Aero Car
● Butterfly Conservatory

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WOW Nature Outdoor Discovery was established in Beijing, China in 2015, and is committed to advocating a lifestyle that is close to nature, healthy, balanced, and environmentally friendly. In 2016, WOW Nature settled in Canada and registered as a non-profit organization. Through carefully designed outdoor exploration activities, Wow Nature leads everyone to walk into nature and deeply experience local culture in the process of "playing", thereby improving the quality of life, enhancing parent-child relationships, expanding social circles, improving health, and gaining happiness!

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